File name classifications (need answer ASAP thanx)

David A. Sinck
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 08:49:47 -0700

\_ SMTP quoth on 12/3/2002 12:29 as having spake thusly:
\_ I am trying to figure out what a classification such as @ or * means at the end of a file name. here are a few examples....
\_ allcm*
\_ allec@
\_ control/
\_ if you could tell me what those *, @, and / means at the end of a
\_ file it would be greatly appreciated. Other marks I know of are |
\_ and = thanks again

man ls

But, to be brief, files denoted by ending in

* executable
@ symlink (soft, possibly hard too)
/ dir
= socket
| named pipe
' ' rootkit produced file  :-)
