squid problem

David Mandala plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
03 Dec 2002 22:44:22 -0700

I'd use IP Chains and block the internal IP to the external IP of

On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 22:14, Nathan England wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'm trying to block a specific web adress. A computer in my office is on 
> I need to block that IP from going to mail.yahoo.com as the employee using 
> that computer will not stop checking email and it has begun interfering with 
> the employees work. 
> I setup squid to keep track of the proxy access and I set the DHCP server to 
> give the address a dns server of so it has to use the 
> proxy to access the net. 
> Now I just can't get the ACL correct to block access to mail.yahoo.com
> or login.yahoo.com.. and a list of others, but if I can get one to work, I'll 
> be happy. And any advice would be great!
> Even not using squid, if someone else knows an easy route to do this.
> Unfortunately, the employee does need net access for the job.
> Thanks
> - -- 
> Nathan England
> plug  at the-arcanum.org
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