SPARC IPC - Free to a good home

Kevin Brown
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 21:34:32 -0700

We're retiring everything below the Sparc5s.  I'm guessing the rest are going to
salvage and will be buyable from ASUs Surplus Property before the end of the
Fall semester.

> Using BSD and Linux I have been able to do tftp+NFS network installs onto hard drives
> as small as 200MB on Sparc Classic/IPC/IPX.
> Solaris versions greater than SunOS-4 won't work on these older units
> that usually still have 8MB of RAM.
> SunOS-4, back when Solaris was still BSDish. <sigh>

> > At work I setup a Sparc20 to act as a boot server for all the other sparc
> > machines that needed upgrading to Solaris 9.  Too bad the Sparc10s and 5s don't
> > have the hard drive space for it (takes 2GB and most of them have 1.2GB or
> > smaller drives).
> >
> > Back to reading the JumpStart docs :)