Lots of telnet sessions

Bill Warner plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
22 Apr 2002 09:43:32 -0700

Anyone with experience on Linux with large numbers of users telneted in?

9:23am  up 1 day,  8:50, 482 users,  load average: 143.52, 87.73, 44.33

typical usage is ~4-5 load

When ever a connection drops from a user the telnetd seems to spin out
of control for about 2 minutes before finally dieing.  Some times one of
our off site clients with a shacky t1 line drops 100+ users.  We are
keeping track of it with a script that parses a ps -ef and hunts down
and kills these processes as fast as it can find them.  This seems like
quite a hack to me :)


has anyone seen where a ps will take a long time to run.  I know we have
quite a race condition (that hasn't really affected us that we know of)
in the way our script runs, because a ps seems to take from 2-5minutes
to run.  This is a system with 2k processes at any one time.

any suggestions would be cool.


ps...for the security concerned about telnet running this is all on a
firewalled lan.  the off site connection is a dedicated t1.  These
systems don't send any traffic over the Internet directly.  Although not
great for keeping out inside hackers we are pretty secure from the

Bill Warner
Unix/Linux Admin.
Direct Alliance Corporation

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