Bash Scripting

Bryce C.
13 Apr 2002 15:40:12 -0700

That's getting a little too complicated.  My script is a simple one that
is run from /etc/cron.hourly/ by root as defined in /etc/crontab.  This
is on a single user machine (plus root etc) and just copies the selected
data, files susceptable to corruption and more so, being open when the
power is pulled on accident.  Yes I know this is not good to do but it
happens.  I have the same script bu lots of crucial stuff but I want to
be able to choose just what I want so I can't accidentally overwrite a
program that i'd been coding for several hours with just the template
file I started of with.

On 13 Apr 2002 13:37:22 -0700, der.hans wrote:
> Am 13. Apr, 2002 schwätzte Bryce C. so:
> > Could anyone give me some help with some bash scripting.  I'm trying to
> > write a script for an hourly back up but I don't know how to add a
> > timestamp in to the tar output file name.  What I have currently (with
> > confidential parts hidden) is:
> >
> > #!/bin/bash
> > su _USER_ -c "cd /home/_USER_; tar -czf
> >
> > Anything with _TEXT_ is the ommitted text except for the _DATE_.  Anyone
> > please?
> I toss the date in the format I want into a variable, then use that
> variable. That variable should be expanded just fine. The key is to make
> sure that it gets assigned and that it doesn't have any spaces in it.
> In my script below you could add the following two lines after the $DATE
> variable is assigned to make sure you're getting what you want.
> echo "<$DATE>"
> exit
> The angle-brackes act as delimiters in the output to show you exactly what
> the $DATE variable contains.
> If you su with a dash, then you should go to their home dir, so you don't
> need the cd. If you don't trust that you should get the home path from
> /etc/passwd.
> It looks like you're only backing up one dir within the home dir. If you
> want to backup the entire home dir, then you should do that from one dir up
> to get all the dotfiles. That will add an extra-level to the path that's
> backed up.
> You don't need to su unless you're wanting the user to be able to access the
> backup directly. That's a good idea, but you should remove their write perms
> afterwards.
> You might want to add the -l option to make sure you don't wander down any
> SMB mounts.
> You can also use the -C option to do the cd.
> #!/bin/bash
> USER=$1
> if [ $2 ] ; then
>       if [ $2 = 'full' ] ; then
>               FULL=yes
>       fi
> fi
> DIR2BACKUP=something
> NFSMOUNT=something
> FILENAME=something
> HOSTNAME=`hostname`
> DATE=`date +%d%b%Y`
> USERSHOME=`grep ^$USER: /etc/passwd | cut -f 6 -d :`
> if [ $FULL = 'yes' ] ; then
>       DIR2BACKUP=`basename $USERSHOME`
>       su $USER -c "tar clzf $TARBALL -C $USERSHOME/.. $DIR2BACKUP/"
> else
>       su $USER -c "tar clzf $TARBALL -C $USERSHOME $DIR2BACKUP/"
> fi
> chmod w-a $TARBALL
> # end
> Check for typos and bad code. Munge for your purposes. Translate to Swahili.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> -- 
> #
> #  Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
> #  I took the one less traveled by,
> #  And that has made all the difference. -- Robert Frost
> #  I, OTOH, prefer to just go stomping through the desert... - der.hans
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