Graphical login off please!

David A. Sinck
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 09:57:24 -0700

\_ SMTP quoth Gary Nichols on 4/10/2002 09:39 as having spake thusly:
\_ That's just WRONG David.  :-)  
\_ If I told you how many times I've told people to do that in jest and then 
\_ find out that they did it... 
\_ <homer>
\_ DOOH!
\_ </homer>

But see, I figured that would 

a) be a good lesson for a rtfm/stfw questioner; particularly as the
   levels are doc'd in the least locally :-)
b) perhaps start a lively discussion on how to recover :-)
c) good for a grin or two

not necessarily in that order.
