Photo Radar (WAS RE: anonymous services)

Fri, 28 Sep 2001 09:25:28 +0000

William Lindley wrote:
> So don't speed.  All you really get to faster is the filling station and
> the brake shop.


I get between 40 and 50MPG, and I do all of my own work. Even replaced
my own engine. The stuff is trivial if you bother to learn about it,
I'd bet good money anyone who can admin a linux box could fix cars if
they so desired. Plus, theres no incentive to screw up your rear brake
system with a "check up" when your replacing your front pads, as you
wont be making any money down the road if you do, unlike the brake

> Driving 65 instead of 55 saves you a few minutes at most.  Join me in
> driving the double-nickel, even if the speed limit is higher.  Helps cut
> our dependence on foreign oil too.

I get better milage at 85MPH, with my carbeurated engine, than the
typical gas guzzling fuel injected yuppie chariot does at 55MPH. The
world would be better served if the greedy would simply:
1. Get off the damned phone. Its a vehicle, not a phoneboth!
2. Drive something smaller. Sorry, the dinosaurs didnt die for your

> "55 saves fuel, 55 saves lives, I drive 55."

Internal combustion engines convert fossil fuel (gasoline, diesel,
etc) into energy most efficiently when operated at wide open throttle.

Of course, they DO use more fuel at higher RPMs. But if you can shift
sooner and keep the pedal further down, it will save gas. Try it.

Or just buy a smaller car with a smaller engine, and drive it faster.

jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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