AutoCAD replacement?

Nathan England
27 Sep 2001 13:05:32 -0700

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Know of any drafting houses that are running linux?? lol
I'd go for that.!

On Thu, 2001-09-27 at 12:47, Kimm King wrote:
> I am not sure what you are looking for but i Know that 3-d drafting is ho=
> any solid works or Pro -e and Cad experience is like gold on this market.=
> Sincerely,
> Kimm King
> The Technical Placement Specialists
> 3900 E Camelback Road, Suite 108
> Phoenix, AZ 85018
> 602/955-6464/602-955-8784 (fax)
> <>
> <>
> "The highest compliment you can give our office is a referral."
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Nathan
> England
> Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 12:01 PM
> To: Plug Discussion
> Subject: autocad replacement?
> I have a friend in Tucson who is a heavy autocad user in windows.
> He's currently going to the U of A, and is taking some c programming
> class, using cygwin.  I asked why he doesn't just put Red Hat on it and
> use that, or any variant... red hat is best supported for someone who
> knows nothing about linux except my rants to him.
> But he uses autocad too much to loose windows.
> Does anyone know any good autocad replacements?
> I took drafting for 4 years in high school and two years in college, I
> need a serious drafting program, not that draw a line from here to here
> and give me a measurement crap.  I haven't been able to find one.
> Varicad looks decent, but is nothing to autocad...
> Or, has anyone tried autocad in wine?
> I'd really like to see him switch out of windows.
> But I understand his pain/need for drafting.
> thanks.
> --
> "I guess I'll never forget her. And maybe I don't want to. Her spirit
> was wild, like a wild monkey. Her beauty was like a beautiful horse
> being ridden by a wild monkey. I forget her other qualities."
> 		--Jack Handley, The New Mexican
> 			1988
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"I guess I'll never forget her. And maybe I don't want to. Her spirit
was wild, like a wild monkey. Her beauty was like a beautiful horse
being ridden by a wild monkey. I forget her other qualities."
		--Jack Handley, The New Mexican

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