
Thomas Mondoshawan Tate
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 15:53:43 -0700

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On Wed, Sep 26, 2001 at 06:19:26PM -0400, Nigel Sollars wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Thomas Mondoshawan Tate wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 26, 2001 at 12:14:45PM -0700, Richard L. Proctor wrote:
> > > Just out of Curiosity which distrobution of Linux do you prefer and w=
> > > makes it better in your opinion?
> >=20
> > My own brew. Although technicially it's Linux From Scratch, but I've ma=
de so
> > many changes to it I'd hardly call it such. The reason: less bloat, less
> > dependencies, it runs what I want and not what the creators want, and
> > upgrading portions of the system isn't as time consuming as it would be
> > under a package based system. Eg: if I need to update libc, all I have =
to do
> > is download, ./configure, make, make install, and I'm done -- no broken
> > dependencies anywhere. Albeit, this kind of distro is not for those with
> > heart conditions or those who are new to Linux since it's source-level
> > "package management" feature requires a pretty heavy understanding of h=
> > the packages fit together.
> >=20
> >=20
> Dunno if its just me but isnt this Slackware?? hehe=20
> besides the mini sparc release is awesome too we had it running back in
> the UK on a sparc IPX 40Mhz took 3.5 days to build XFree hehehe well worth
> the time though :)
> Regards=20
> Nigel

I suppose it could be considered as such, yes. Still, Slackware is built for
i386 systems and up, is it not? Since you build all of the base packages
yourself, you can set the options and the CPU to compile for, etc.

It's all a matter of taste, really. =3Dop

Thomas "Mondoshawan" Tate

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