OT ???

John (EBo) David plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 11:59:44 -0700

Brian Cluff wrote:
> >   find . -iname \*bin/laden\* -exec rm {} \; -print
> >   find . -iname \*talaban\*   -exec rm {} \; -print
> I prefer the more readable and shorter
> rm -rf `find / |grep -i -e bin/laden -e talaban`

the great thing about *nix is that there are typically a dozen ways to
skin bin/laden...

I wonder when Wierd Al is going to do a new parody of Cat Stevens "Moon
Shadow" ... if I had a hand grenade, I blow his F'n head a way, well if
I had a hand grenade, away-a-a away-a-a I would not have to search no

  EBo --