New install problems

Carl Parrish
Tue, 18 Sep 2001 14:50:24 -0700

Okay here is my latest issue of the day. <g>. I'm trying to do an 
install on a alphaPC 164DSX of RH 7.1. It already has RH 6.2 on it. For 
somereason the bios seems not to be able to boot from either the floopy 
or the CDROM. (bye the if anyone knows how to change the settings on a 
Digital Alpha 21169 PC bios please let me know). So I copied the two 
disks to the hard drive and now I want to boot from the harddrive. Where 
would I find infomation on pointing. (I think its milo) to the new dirs 
I've created to boot from?

Carl P.