Debian partitions

06 Oct 2001 10:08:54 -0700

Victor Odhner <> writes:

> OK, now I see my problem!
> I lied about what I had skipped.  I have not installed
> nor configured the base system, because I wanted to do
> that over the network and I can't get that talking yet.
> I have gotten where I'm at using the rescue and root disks
> and four driver disks.  The base would be next.
> I thought I could do this over the network.

With Debian you can do this with a broadband connection but if you're
trying to attempt this over dial up then you need more than two disks.

PPP requires about eleven base-X.bin disks, I've done this over dial up.

For more information about Source Media and Installation Stages and
other information see section 5.3.2 at

Also, I can't remember how the install goes from there but I think
your having problems with either getting your ethernet card configured
or with dbootstrap

BTW, you're not behind a firewall are you?
