"Right" way to update KDE

Alan Dayley plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Thu, 4 Oct 2001 20:43:11 -0700

Well, I have been doing well untill now.  The file 
cups-1.1.10-0.rh7x.1.i386.rpm will not install because in "conflicts with 

1. LPR is a print service and cups is a print service.  I guess they cannot 
happily live together.
2. So, whomever put this group of KDE 2.2.1 packages together uses cups.  My 
system defaulted to LPR, evidently, because I don't remember specifying what 
print service I wanted.

- Can I use these RPMs if they are "based" on cups?
- Some of the other RPMs are dependent on the cups RPMs.  How do I install 
the cups RPM when I am already running LPR?
- Are all my above assumptions and questions wrong and I don't understand 
