logigitech cordless optical mousman

Jonathan Furrer plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Sun, 4 Nov 2001 14:29:20 -0700 (MST)

hrmf, shouldn't be a software issue, and I don't run X so its difficult
for me to get you some conf lines, but if you're using the adapter it
would be teh same setup as your PS/2 mouse was, no different, honest :P

Jonathan Furrer

On Sun, 4 Nov 2001, John (EBo) David wrote:

-->Jonathan Furrer wrote:
-->> assuming you have a PS/2 adapter on it I would say its not the actual
-->> connection but either the mouse or the wireless comm part. Make sure you
-->> have bateries in the mouse, if the red light is on or flickering the mouse
-->> has power, after that, on the bottom of the mouse is a reset button which
-->> will reset its connection with the base, hit that. The cordless opticals
-->> have quite a range on them, but make sure your not out of range. If all
-->> you're using is the PS/2 adapter (the mous eis USB but packed with
-->> adapter) there shouldn't be any driver/software issues that didn't exist
-->> with your previous mouse.
-->could you email me the mouse portion of your /etc/X11/XF86Config file so
-->I can check it against mine?
-->As a note, whenever I plug the adapter into the mouse port, I have to
-->reboot the machine, it seems to freak out the mouse driver.  Unplugging
-->one mouse and swapping the other causes it to loose it's brain...
--> EBo --
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