KDE menu question

Craig White plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Tue, 1 May 2001 22:23:22 -0700

On Tuesday 01 May 2001 21:39, you wrote:
> I really like KDE except for one thing that's an annoyance (to put it
> mildly).  Whenever I leave my desk I lock the screen.  I click the K,
> the first menu choice is 'Logout', followed by 'Lock Screen'.  I'd be a
> happier camper if I could move the damnable 'Logout' somewhere else on
> the menu where I won't accidentally click it.  I invariably have a half
> dozen browser windows, mail, some term sessions and an editor or two
> running when that happens.  Grrr.
> I wouldn't be so bad if it would just logout instead of locking up the
> session. Alternately, having a logout confirmation (ala Winblows) would
> be helpful... Any suggestions?
> Thanks much,
> Steve
I'm running the KDE 2.1.1 that came with RH 7.1 and I'm really loving it. I 
am actually using it on my Macintosh and accessing via VNC as my WIndows box 
is apparently in need of a reformat / reinstall. I think that over the 
weekend, I'm going to switch my computers around so that my experimenal Linux 
computer becomes my main system and the Windows goes to secondary position.

Anyway, my KDE stops and asks me to confirm logout anyway (with a checkbox 
option to save current environment) which gives me time to cancel. Strangely 
enough, the bottom 3 options - Configure Panel, Lock Screen and Logout aren't 
accessible using the control panel editor. I would suppose that there's some 
KDE FAQ on KDE's web site or the info can be gleaned from a KDE listserv.