Anyone tried the Libranet distro?

Kurt Granroth
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 23:24:46 -0700

Tom Snell wrote:
> Uses ALSA by default: I've never gotten ALSA to work with my SB
> Live!  card...everything appears to be installed OK, mixer OK, but
> no sound, and no apparent resource conflicts.

Really?  I got an SB Live! card working just fine with the ALSA that
comes with SuSE 7.1.  I had no sound for a long time.. until I
realized that I need to use amixer to unmute everything.  IMO, it's
*very* irritating that ALSA mutes all devices by default.
Kurt Granroth            |
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer         |
            KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop