Advice Part 2! :)

David A. Sinck
Thu, 22 Mar 2001 11:16:01 -0700

\_ SMTP quoth Kimi A. Adams on 3/22/2001 09:23 as having spake thusly:
\_ It's how most 
\_ people learn, by doing and reading from the experienced people of the 
\_ world.  Let's keep this list and it's purpose: sharing and sharing!

Yes!  I distinctly remember learning unix from (among other places)
two terminals down from me reader/grader for my first two CS classes.
I'd ask Darren a question, watch him encant, and then go RTFM and try
it myself in a secure/temporary directory until I got it right.  He
was also kind enough to let me slurp his dot files.  :-)
