VLAN Trunking? (was Re: do the funky eth...)

Bob George plug@bobspc.dhs.org
Fri, 2 Mar 2001 17:29:48 -0700

"der.hans" <PLUGd@lufthans.com> wrote:
> [...] I'm looking at /proc/net/route and
> /proc/net/arp. /proc/net/PRO_LAN_Adapters/eth?.info reports that current
> hw addy is one less than permanent hw addy for the first two interfaces on
> the box, but the others are OK

A long shot, but they're not running Intel EtherExpress server boards using
VLAN trunking (802.1Q) by any chance, are they? If so, PLEASE let me know,
as I'd love to get one running under Linux!

- Bob