has anyone installed WordPerfect?

mazdaracer plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 22:09:03 -0700

I downloaded and tryed to install WordPerfect and Opera on my Mandrake 8.0 
system but no luck. I did had Opera installed on the 7.2 version w/o 
problems. That was the static linked version, which is what I'm trying.

WordPerfect on the other had is a total failure. 

I unzip/untar both into the /usr/local/src dir and run the install scripts 
from there. Opera seemed ok, but it won't let me execute the binary. Perhaps 
due to the static link library. Don't know yet.

WP just gives me a lot of 'can't fine dir' messages when I try the 'Runme' 
script. Then I have to blow it all away before I can try again.

Is the 8.0 version different enough that I need something else?
