
Dominic Busher
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 13:07:57 -0700 (PDT)

Bad new is my Linux system crashed AGAIN today.  Good
news is I now have an Intellistation to do my Linux
project on and I am getting very familiar with Linux.

Question:   I installed xinetd  and ssh  ( and
dependencies).  I know xinetd is started because I
issues a 'service xinetd start' and it came back OK. 
Now when I try to telnet into the linux box from a
networked PC I get :
"Connecting To not
open a connection to host: Connect failed"

I have NOT touched any of the Host.deny/allow files or
the xinetd.conf file.  I can ping the Linux box and I
can telnet/ftp OUT of the linux box into other
workstations on the network.

Any clues?

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