Another Network Qestion

Craig White
Sat, 28 Jul 2001 22:16:25 -0700

Julian M Catchen wrote:
> All,
> I hoping for some advice regarding my COX networking setup. Here is what I
> currently have:
>                 @Home Network
>                      |
>                      |
>              SB3100 Cable Modem
>                      |
>                      |
>                (24.14.xx.xx)
>    (dyn dns)
>      Debian Linux doing IPMASQ and PORTFW
>                and firewall
>                (
>                      |
>      +---------------+---------------+
>      |               |               |
>     Suse           Debain            |
>     Linux          Linux             |
> (   (   (
>                      |
>                   postfix
>                    apache
> I have some forwarding rules set up to forward port 80 and
> port 25 to the mail/webserving machine.  The other machines
> are just my development box and my girlfriend's laptop.
> The problem I am having is that when I want to send mail
> to a mailman list on the mail server from the SuSE box,
> I get "Connection Timed Out" errors.  If I send a mail from
> some external machine, it gets routed to the mailman
> program and it goes out onto the mailing list as expected.
> The same happens with web browsing.  If I want to look at
> the sites on the webserver from my SuSE box, the connection
> just times out.  But if I look at them from some external
> computer (say from work) then it works fine.
> Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong with the
> network setup?
> Thanks in advance,
> julian
How to configure ipchains or iptables for Masq'ing internal network
access thru firewall/gateway

First a reference to the General Linux configuration stuff

Firewall (ipchains - I think this is the most comprehensive of all I
have ever seen)

Firewall (iptables - are you using 2.4 kernel - if so check this out...)
