PLUG Web Site

Wayne Conrad
21 Jul 2001 21:53:15 -0700

On Sat, 21 July 2001, Jason wrote:
> Style sheets are a fascist device used by developers to FORCE a
> particular font selection upon the web page viewer.
> I noticed that style sheets OVERRIDE the setting "Use my specified
> font, overriding document specified fonts". That is to say, if a style
> sheet says to use some unreadable variation of Times, at some
> unreadable point size, the browser will do so, despite my indication
> that it should NOT.

Bad browser!  Bad bad bad!  Bad browser!  Which browsers are doing that?

> As such, I have disabled style shits, both in the browser itself and
> by blocking access to commonly used "style sheet files" loaded by
> javascript with the Junkbuster Proxy.
> Avoid style sheets if possible.

Thanks for the advice.  

On the background color discussion, I think the best thing to do is to let the user's preference reign.  There's no reason my color preference should override the viewer's.  Ultimately, that'd be my preference for the PLUG website.  Just don't set the background color at all.  Or the text color.  The user probably has good reasons for his or her preference, so don't mess with it.

I did a quick web search on color polarity (white on black vs. black on white) studies, and came up with "inconclusive," "it depends," and lots of opinions.  Not much hard, usable fact.  Probably some out there, but I came up empty.  Would love to see any references anyone has.

  Wayne Conrad