Bind errors

Wed, 10 Jan 2001 20:08:49 -0700

Did you do a search for this on Google? I've never seen anything
like it.

It looks like the firewall is trying to update ns1 and is not
It could be a bad forwarders entry.

What does:
have in it?

JLF Sends...

It seems like on Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:54:56AM -0700, Mike Starke scribbled:
Orig Msg> Ever since I replaced my Linux firewall with OpenBSD I
Orig Msg> have begun receiveing these errors on my name server.
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> Jan 10 12:20:05 ns1 named[11699]: unapproved update from 
Orig Msg> [<my firewall ip>].12471 for <my_domain_name>.com
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> I have checked resolv.conf on both machines, I have ensured
Orig Msg> I have reverse mapping for the FW, In short I feel I have
Orig Msg> checked everything. This error is getting written to syslog
Orig Msg> approx every 3-5 minutes.
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> Anyone want to throw me a bone?
Orig Msg>  

Jean Francois - JLF Sends...
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