stale telnetd procs

Bill Warner
12 Feb 2001 11:27:52 -0700

sorry to reply to my own post i just noticed somethings

On 12 Feb 2001 09:03:03 -0700, Bill Warner wrote:
> #uptime
>   8:51am  up 20 days,  9:52, 511 users,  load average:  8.04, 6.56, 5.67
> 17 days isn't much yet but this is 5pm after most people have started
> leaving.

I wrote this friday and updated the uptime information today.  that is
why there is a diffrance in
the 17 days and 20 days...   :)

The hardware that this is on is farily impressive.  quad PIII xeon 550mhz

2M cach with 4 gigs of ram.  4 raid array cards with 22x 9gig drives in
multiple arrays
This is the IBM Netfinity 7000 machine

Bill Warner
Direct Alliance Corp.
Unix/Linux Admin.