WANTED: Script Guru!!

sinck@ugive.com sinck@ugive.com
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 19:26:51 -0700

\_ Or PERL
\_     or the BASH psudo-shell for WIN-32
\_ 	  maybe what-is-it RUBY?

Heh... bash isn't a pseudo shell...it's all the way there.  See
http://www.cygwin.com/; there are also ports of tcsh
ftp://ftp.blarg.net/users/amol/tcsh/ and others, I'm sure.  For a real
editor see http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/ntemacs.html;
numerous vi clones also probably run out of the box on NT; Perl for
windows comes prettily bundled from http://www.activestate.com if you
don't want the native source port.

The following links are unvalidated for recentness, but may be of use
as well for making Windows more bearable:


There are also utilites off of M$ for 'xmouse' or some such so you
don't have to use that accursed click-to-focus, focus-window-must-be-
on-top mode under windows that's only slightly less annoying than
typing with dashes-between-every-word-instead-of-spaces.


What's Ruby?  Well, google said:

/me goes to read
