Tivo - The spiffy Linux Box

Kurt Granroth plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 22 Aug 2001 18:33:50 -0700

On Wednesday 22 August 2001 04:13 pm, Brian Cluff wrote:
> The TIVO runs linux and does all its magic with it.... complete with a lot
> of their software opensourced,  not enough to actually make your own for
> free, but enough so that people are doing all sorts of cool hacks of them
> like upgrading the storage size like I have done and adding ethernet
> capability along with web servers so you can actually get into the unit and
> play around with its guide information.  They even have the capability to
> download the MPEG files directly off the hard drive and play them back on
> any PC.

Ah, but I thought those last bits (ethernet + storing on hard drive) were... 
"discouraged".  If my memory holds true, the description on how to do the 
hacks were pulled *very* quickly after being released after TiVo expressed 
concerns about those.

Or has something changed since?
Kurt Granroth            | http://www.granroth.org
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer
granroth@kde.org         | granroth@suse.com
            KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop