Trashed MBR

Thomas Mondoshawan Tate
Sun, 12 Aug 2001 20:24:30 -0700

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One _SERIOUS_ problem there: if you try to use LILO from within a chroot'ed
environment, you'll trash your MBR again. Instead, execute LILO from outside
of the chrooted environment and specify which configuration file to use like
	lilo -C /foo/etc/lilo.conf
-- Mondoshawan

On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 08:07:51PM -0700, Rusty Carruth wrote:
> > =20
> > Is there a way to reconstruct the MBR from this info?
> I'll have to look at that a bit, for now I want to just answer
> the other thing.
> > If so, would that person or persons please advise.
> > =20
> > I was lucky, in that SuSE Linux 7.1 is on hda5, hda6 hda7
> > and I had a boot disk so that it is possible access SuSE.
> > And that is what makes it possible to send this request
> > for help.
> > =20
> > The Mandrake 8.0 has been installed on hda3 and I have
> > looked at it with SuSE. Now if I can get a boot disk for
> > it then it will be usable. And still correct the MBR.
> If the partitions are right, then just boot from your
> install CD (either directly or via boot floppy, and
> as soon as it gives the splash screen, hit F1 and then
> enter 'rescue' (followed by carriage return, of course).
> After it boots, I usually do this kinda thing:
> mkdir /foo
> mount /dev/hda1 /foo # (or wherever / for the broken system is)
> chroot /foo          # act like /foo is / (i.e. broken / is NOW actually =
> mount -a	     # mount all the stuff in the fstab.
> lilo		# or whatever.
> umount <everything mounted in the  mount -a step>
> exit		# leave the chroot shell, so that /foo is now /foo
> umount /foo     # just to be safe
> reboot		# bye-bye
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