Sat, 21 Apr 2001 17:35:28 -0700 (MST)

Am 21. Apr, 2001 schwäzte Derek A. Neighbors so:

> I talk to RMS about daily and will back you up. 
> He believes very much this is a war and that prop 
> software is the enemy.  Note I said prop software 
> not prop software developers.  I think he wants to 
> educate people, but doesnt them as individuals as 
> evil. (Though he is less than tolerant of such 
> things so I can see the issue)

There's got to be room for compromise here as well. There are times when
Free Software isn't necessarily appropriate. That probably isn't due to
the software itself, though. For instance, I really want my tax software
to have a warranty. At the same time I want something that runs on a Free
Software OS. Maybe it could be done with a Free Software licence such that
the warranty is only in effect if certain aspects of the Free Software
guarantees haven't been exercised. I think, however, we're going to have
significant difficulties getting an accounting software company to buy
into that. Please feel free to prove me wrong :). In such a case I would
still like to have source code in order to submit bug fixes, but I could
live without it.


#  I've got a photographic memory,
#  but I'm lousy photographer. - der.hans