Where can I get Glide (besides looking in www.3dfx.com or ftp .3dfx.com)?

Lucas Vogel lvogel@exponent.com
Mon, 2 Apr 2001 22:25:36 -0700

My SuSE distro came with Glade...

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Rosinski [mailto:rick@rickrosinski.com]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 10:18 PM
To: XPert XFree86.org; PLUG; Newbie XFree86.org
Subject: Where can I get Glide (besides looking in www.3dfx.com or

I have been looking everywere for Glide, but I can't find it.  Not in
www.3dfx.com nor in ftp.3dfx.com.  Nowhere on the Linux software search
engines (and any related link would report - "file not found").  I am having
lots of frustration with getting my XFree86 4.0.3 to work with Virtual
resolutions on my Voodoo3 2000 card, and I have been posting frequently
everywhere I can, and *only one* person responded.  Thanks to Mark Vojkovich
on the XPert mailing list.  If ANYBODY has ANY idea as to how to help me out
here, please respond!

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