OT: PhoenixDSL / Phoenix Networks

Rod Roark rod@sunsetsystems.com
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 08:03:36 -0700

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Donn Shumway wrote:
> This makes me a little apprehensive about my decision yesterday to change from Speedchoice one-way
> to PhoenixDSL. Fortunately I have not sent in the contract so, before AI do, may I ask users of
> PhoenixDSL what they think of their service. Is your speed acceptable and consistent? What
> service/speed do you have? What complaints, if any, does anyone have with the ISP services, ie mail
> and newsgroups? I'm sorry to revisit this subject since there was a discussion recently about DSL
> providers in general (the good refviews being one of the reasons I considered switching to
> PhoenixDSL), but I am unsure what to do.

I've been with PN about 6 months and don't regret it.  I'm about
15,000 feet from the CO and have 208K SDSL using Rhythms.  No bandwidth

Negatives I have seen:

* 2 outages totaling about 1.5 days (not bad for residential DSL) 
* Spotty Usenet (on 2 occasions I had to resubscribe to all my groups) 
* Long hold times for tech support

-- Rod