Who's going to ITEC?

Marty Fenn marty@vikingsystems.com
Mon, 16 Oct 2000 20:04:20 -0700

To those of you who are thinking about donating your valuable time to
help spread the word of Linux at ITEC, you will need to register online
at goitec.com or get a hold of a ticket from Hans.  Those generous  guys
over at RNI are working to provide bandwidth to the booth.  The Linux
Store is also going to provide a server and a couple of workstations so
that we have something to demonstrate that think called GNU/Linux that
so many of you love.  On that note, we still need volunteers who can
configure these machines and provide demos to those who may be unaware
or just plain scared of GNU/Linux.  You can participate for both days,
or just  half a day on either day.  Email marty@vikingsystems.com and be
known as one who gives back to the communtiy.

Thanks to everybody,
