Gordon Chamberlin glac@visualizeinc.com
Mon, 02 Oct 2000 21:15:55 -0700

This was an answer to questions I was asking about a month ago.  I finally got back to it today and just wanted to tell everyone, including Hawke, for the help.

Hawke wrote:
> Here's how you do it...
> you can add this line to your rc.local file under /etc/rc.d
> /sbin/dhcpcd -h <your @home hostaname here> -D
> I use: /sbin/dhcpcd -h cx358876-c -D
> It sets up very nicely for me without any problems.
> Hope this helps
> Hawke

  Gordon Chamberlin		Software Architect
  Visualize, Inc.			http://www.visualizeinc.com
  (602) 861-0999 ext. 14	glac@visualizeinc.com