need small HD's

Tue, 21 Nov 2000 02:22:33 -0700

George Toft wrote:
> Let me state for the record that no personal computer will ever need
> more than 640K of RAM (William Gates III).  That's right up there
> with "the country will need no more than about ten of these
> 'computers.'"  (There are something like 2 billion of them in the
> world right now.)
> 22 years ago, I had 48K RAM and a 88K floppy drive and no modem.
> Original cost was $1800.  Adjusted for inflation: $7000.
> 11 years ago, I had 1MB RAM, and a 30MB hard drive with a 300bps modem.
> Cost: $1300.  Inflated cost: $2300.

ooh, ouch - FSK was definitly out of style in 1989.. I had a 1200bps
modem (PSK) at that point, an Atari external, connected to an Apple
2+, and people were ragging on 1200, because they had 2400s. Shortly
after, USR introduced the first of the 9600s...
> Now I have 128MB RAM, and a 2 GB drive (that was donated) on a 640/272
> kbps dsl line.  Cost: $600.

> 10 years from now I should have a multiputer with 16 nodes (each of
> which has 128MB RAM), and a SAN with 500 Terabyte ultra-RAID on a
> Gigabit network (because that's all I can afford) with a
> (44.7 mbps) DSL line, because I'll put up with the streaming video
> advertisements for free Internet II access.
> Cost: $1200.  Deflated cost: $700

No no, thats not "what the market wants". What you will have is a free
refridgerator with an unlimited OC3 and a 25 inch flat panel LCD
display on the front that constantly shows food and drink commercials,
encouraging you to purchase and/or eat, based on contents of the
fridge and what it thinks the contents of you are... Should you run
low on something, it will check your palm pilot 16 via microwave, and
if you have any free time, suggest either a resturant. If not, it will
pester you while you attempt to work, asking you if you would like to
take advantage of various "deals" available via delivery, and if you
would also like to purchase anything else. Consumers (the word
becoming ever the more ironic...) who attempt to diet without
purchasing extra food, or excercise in a manner not compatible with ad
viewing, will actually be in the "have-nots" due to their negetive
influence on the new economy in this bread-basket country ...


jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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