BSA ads
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 19:51:51 -0700

It was Virginia Beach, VA.  IIRC, this town had the
first "totally digital" (whatever that means) city
gumment.  Hence, it's 99% dependence on M$.  Nobody
ever got fired for recommending...

Also, IIRC, Virginia was the first state to pass
UCITA.  So, we can expect more of the same as UCITA
becomes the law of the land, state-by-clueless-state.


* On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 10:38:58AM -0700, wrote:
> \_ 
> \_ So has anyone else but me caught the Business Software Association
> \_ ads that have been running on TV and the radio last two weeks? 
> I have...
> \_ into running and getting all their software registered.  What are
> \_ people's thoughts on these?  It seems like such a good opportunity
> \_ to showcase the many benefits of Open Source.
> Not nearly as amusing as the story on /. over the weekend where M$
> ordered the largest city in VT (or one of those itty bitty states) to
> prove that it had sufficient licenses for it's 99% M$ infrastructure,
> which, according to the ever popular EULA, is legal for them to do.
> Nevermind what those 10 staffers had been doing, how bout they dig up
> licenses and receipts for the next few months?
> David