What Distro to use

Craig White craigwhite@azapple.com
Thu, 2 Nov 2000 10:04:45 -0700

Bill, I defer to your greater knowledge on things linux and possibly NT.
Regardless of however we feel about Windows NT, Dell, IBM et. al. have made
a lot of money selling servers with it pre-loaded.

However, the decisions that business use to choose a distro should probably
factor in things that might defy what we perceive logical...they might
consider the number of people out there familiar with distribution, ability
to obtain tech assistance via a phone call and many others.

I am certain from all that I have read on this message board that debian is
a much better system for my personal use but that doesn't necessarily extend
to the choice for a business. Obviously, where JLF is CTO, debian is a given
but when I'm asked...I know that in a pinch, I can call RedHat.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> [mailto:plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us]On Behalf Of Bill
> Warner
> Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 9:42 AM
> To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> Subject: RE: What Distro to use
> > Actually, knowing that Dell, IBM and others are shipping
> Servers with RedHat
> > pre-loaded, it's apparent that not everyone feels the way that
> you do about
> > RedHat. Each distro has it's strength's and weaknesses.
> Yea but don't they also sell servers with NT????????
> Just because the major companys sell it doesn't mean it
> is the best.  I would prefer Debian to all others.  But
> here at work it has been mandated to use Redhat because
> of the same thinking as the above post.
> --
> --
> Bill Warner, aka Geekus Nosleepus No. 355122
> Direct Alliance Corp.
> Unix/Linux Admin.
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