warning in /var/log/messages

Craig White CraigWhite@AzApple.com
Sun, 14 May 2000 14:30:00 -0700

Actually, it seems that you are running bind on your system and you have
defined to Host names ("A" records) to the same ip address. Only one host
name should be assigned to ip address within bind and any other names that
you wish to use for this computer should be "CN" aka alias records.

The real cause of your error message in the syslog is related to running the
'auth' service within inetd.conf (comment the auth service out and send a
SIGHUP command) and then the identd service runs on its own pid.

The greater minds on this message base might want to convince you either to
1 - remove/disable auth from inetd or
2 - disable auth aka identd altogether

I would be interested in any comments that some might have regarding the
usefulness / necessity / security implications of running identd/auth
services. The book on Linux/OpenBSD firewalls that I just finished definitly
recommended to extinguish this service and to specifically REJECT (using
IPCHAINS) attempts to connect to this port so mail servers etc don't hang
you out to dry while waiting for a reply.


- Craig White - PO Box 8634 - Scottsdale, Arizona - 85252
- e-mail address ................ - CraigWhite@AzApple.com
- world wide web address ........ - http://www.AzApple.com
- e-mail my pager address ....... - 6023779752@airtouch.net
- cellular phone ................ - (602) 377-9752
- voice/facsimile ............... - (480) 945-8445

> -----Original Message-----
> From: plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> [mailto:plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us]On Behalf Of
> Datawolf
> Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 1:49 PM
> To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> Subject: Re: warning in /var/log/messages
> Could be:
> (1) Your two IP's are the same
> (2) They're both trying to use the save device, e.g. eth0.
> To check #2, look (supposing you're using RedHat) in
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts.  There should be two file in there
> called ifcfg-eth0 and either ifcfg-eth1 or ifcfg-eht0:0.  Make sure that
> the DEVICE line in each file corresponds to the actual filename.  It is
> the DEVICE line, and not the filename, that determines the device.
> (3) You may be trying to use IP aliasing but don't have it compiled into
> your kernel.  IP aliasing is when you have multiple IP's on a single
> NIC.
> -BVG
> Don Harrop wrote:
> >
> > May 12 14:29:44 localhost inetd[15592]: auth/tcp: bind: Address
> already in
> > use
> >
> > It seems like since I added a second IP address to my linux box
> it's been
> > writing this in my /var/log/messages file.  Any ideas as to why?
> >
> > Don
> >
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