Food for thought

arson smith
Thu, 09 Mar 2000 19:47:09 GMT

While recompiling the kernal might gain a fraction of
a handfull of extra cpu cycles you most likely will
not knowtice any diffrence in the speed of kde.  by
default kde/gnome/other "desktop environments"  will
put a lot of strain on a lighter weight system.  I
would sugest if you don't have the horse power try a
lighter window manager and don't use a "desktop environment"

some of my suggestions would be: Window Maker or FVMW
there are many others.  I think there was a
site that had a list of several.

have fun

Bill Warner

>From: Tim Weaver <>
>To: "''"  
>Subject: RE: Food for thought
>Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 11:50:33 -0700
>Yes...for laptops!!   :)
>I have successfully installed Caldera OL 2.3 on my Toshiba 430 CDT, but it
>is SLOWWWWWWWW under KDE.  I would be interested in finding out of
>recompiling the kernel (which I have absolutely no idea how to do) might
>help speed things up.
>  -----Original Message-----
>From: 	Jim W []
>Sent:	Thursday, March 09, 2000 11:29 AM
>To:	PLUG-Discuss
>Subject:	Food for thought
> >snip<
>Maybe it is time to be thinking about doing another installfest?
>Plug-discuss mailing list  -

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