Where to get affordable switch

Kevin Buettner kev@primenet.com
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 16:10:09 -0700

On Mar 2,  3:52pm, Ken Bowley wrote:

> Does anyone have information on where to get a good, inexpensive 16 or 24
> port switch?  I would prefer a physical store in the Phoenix area, but I'm
> not going to rule out online stores if the price is worth it (after S&H).

How about a Netgear 24-port 10/100 swtich from www.buy.com?  They're
$491 before S&H.  I have an 8-port switch from Netgear and I really
like it.  Buy.com also has a 24-port D-Link switch for $484.  S&H is
between $9.00 and $35.00 depending on how fast you want it.
