File Permissions

Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:23:50 -0700

Don't know which you are using.
Try both.

1. man smbmount

/usr/sbin/smbmount //WINBOX/SHARE /mnt/winbox \
-U MYNAME -c MOUNTINGHOST -P Password -f 000 -d 000 \
-u AnyUserToUseAsMountUserID -g GroupForThatUSER

2. man mount


example: mode=0777

Orig Msg> I have windows partitions, and I want to move some of my work to them so
Orig Msg> I can access the files in Windows.  When I try as a user or as root, it
Orig Msg> won't let me copy anything to the windows part of my hard drives...
Orig Msg> I have tried chown on them and chmod, but it won't allow me to change
Orig Msg> them...  It allows me to write to the partitions as root, but doesn't
Orig Msg> allow me to copy files to it?  What am I doing wrong?
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> Thanks,
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> Eric