Web Based Email

Joel Dudley joel@silverw.com
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 10:59:04 -0700

I am using qmail with vpopmail and the SQwebmail interface and it works

- Joel
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Jamison" <toddjamison@yahoo.com>
To: <plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 10:45 AM
Subject: Web Based Email

> Have a question.  The company that I work for decided
> that they want email access to all of our sales agents
> on the call center floor.  The problem with that is
> that they do not have assigned seating and I hate
> exchange.  I have thought about using IMAP but I am
> leaning more toward a web based solution.  Any
> thoughts as to what product would be the best for this
> issue?
> Thanks,
> Todd
> =====
> toddjamison@yahoo.com
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