
Thu, 15 Jun 2000 01:47:28 -0700 (MST)

Am 14. Jun, 2000 schwäzte Rod Roark so:

> No.  Lots of things aren't included with any given Linux distribution. 

apt-get update && apt-get install netcat # ;-)

> It might be due to licensing, or perceived maturity of the application,
> but more often the fact that there's so much stuff out there that nobody
> can possibly keep track of it all.

That's why they have a thousand developers :).

> By the way I've recently been looking at Ethereal, a protocol analyzer
> ("packet sniffer"), which is quite impressive, also very educational for
> those wanting to learn more about networking protocols.

I've not been happy with Ethereal, but as with all new stuff that was
"yesterday's version" :). Is it working well for you? The filtering
mechanism didn't want to work, it liked to lock up and it would die :(.

I've been doing well with sniffit, though, and that works on a console.


#  Practice socially consious hedonism. Do whatever you want,
#  as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. - der.hans