OT: remapping keys

Kevin Buettner kev@primenet.com
Fri, 28 Jul 2000 10:04:26 -0700

On Jul 28, 12:27pm, Furmanek, Greg wrote:

> My question is:
> How can I remap Control key to be in place of Caps Lock?
> I need to have this working on Linux and Winblows.  

I don't know how to do it on Windows (though I'm sure there's a way).

On my machine, in my /etc/X11/XF86Config file, I've added the
following line to my "Keyboard" section:

   XkbOptions      "ctrl:nocaps,grp:switch"

You can also achieve the same effect through the appropriate use
of xmodmap.

None of the above options will change your key mappings when you're
typing at one of the consoles (i.e, you're not in X).  To do that,
you must find and modify the appropriate keymap file.  (On my RedHat
system, I think it's /etc/sysconfig/console/default.kmap.)
