Setting up a linux kiosk

Thu, 27 Jul 2000 11:46:23 -0700

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It seems like on Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 10:54:06AM -0700, Justin scribbled:
Orig Msg> I am trying to set a kiosk using the Linux Kiosk HOWTO. I have come up with a few problems though. I need to take a screen capture from within fvwm2 I am not sure how to do this though, any help? Also I am using RedHat 6.1 on these kiosks, Is there any way to disable the Interactive boot option? Is there a way to have pppd dial a specified internet connection at a particular time and hang it up at particular time, and if the connection gets terminated to have it redial the connection? Finally is there a way to have the system boot and automatically log in with a specified username and password?
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> Thanks-
Orig Msg> Justin
Orig Msg>

Based on the series of questions posed it looks like you need to spend
a lot more time reading the docs.

Every single question you asked above is available as an answer in the
Linux HOWTOs located in /usr/doc/HOWTO or in the HOWTOs on the web
or in a man/info page.

In order:
1. apropos screen capture ----> import
     man import gives examples
     also look at man/info pages for xv and display
2. BootPrompt-HOWTO
4. Diald.html or Diald.gz in /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini
5. BootPrompt-HOWTO

All are also searchable at:

I am a firm believer in "teach a man to fish..." in cases like this.
You may want to hire a consultant, there are some on the list, to
get you going and walk you thru the docs and steps needed not only
to build the Kiosks but maintain and upgrade it over time.

So, is the domain name meant to be prophetic or just funny?

Jean Francois - JLF Sends...
President & CEO - MagusNet, Inc.,, MagusNet.Gilbert.AZ.US
Director Of Managed Services - OpNIX,Inc.,
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