text mode question

Brian Cluff brian@snaptek.com
Tue, 25 Jul 2000 17:49:26 -0700

Change the prompt to vga=ask.  You will get a prompt that will you to scan
for the modes that your card is capable of.  Then just take note of the hex
code next the the resolution that you want and if it looks good, change your
lilo config to be vga=0x030c where 030c is the hex code you took note of
with 0x in front of it.  Then it will boot to that resolution every time.

Brian Cluff
> According to everything I've read, changing /etc/lilo.conf from
> vga = normal to vga = extended changes the display from 80 x 25
> to 80 x 50. The problem is, it has no effect on my 17" monitor.
> Anyone know what I'm missing? Thanks.