DHCP and fixed IP addresses

Bill Warner wwarner@direct-alliance.com
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 12:29:40 -0700

will this be reliable though?  With my experince on dhcp it seems
if you dont go through and asign each ipaddress to the MAC address
then it wont always keep the same address even with a 10 year lease.

I am not sure though could have been my imagination or just something
wiered I was doing

Bill Warner

Kevin Buettner wrote:

> On Jul 19, 11:28am, Tim M. Sanders wrote:
> > How do I set an infinite lease?  This is what I want, I think.  (I don't want
> > to have to know the HW address of each host.)
> Just set default-lease-time and max-lease-time to really large values.
> (315360000 is approximately 10 years.)
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