
Shawn T. Rutledge
Wed, 12 Jul 2000 18:17:28 -0700

On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 01:38:39AM -0600, Carl Parrish wrote:
> Okay I successfully (sort of) installed Debian onto my AMD K6 333, with
> 96M of memory. First problem since I installed onto my secound hard drive
> I couldn't install lilo. (I vaguely understand that this is because lilo

Well lilo would need to be written to the boot sector of the first hard
disk, but pointing to the kernel and root partition on the second disk.
Something like this in /etc/lilo.conf:




Keep a DOS boot disk handy with fdisk on it in case you screw it up... 
you might need to do fdisk /mbr to restore the old boot sector.  I 
hardly ever get a lilo setup right the first time...

> needs to be above a certain sector of the disk) Okay I don't expect to
> have to reboot that often anyway so I don't mind booting from disk. I make
> the bootdisk and boot into debian for the first time. great. I'm up and I
> can
> telnet/ftp and send mail. But after a little more playing around I find
> that I can't mount my cd-rom. (mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/sonycd_31a /mount

Do you really have one of those old proprietary non-IDE kind?  If so you
probably need to load the module for it.  Look under /lib/modules and see
if you can find one that looks appropriate, then do 

insmod modulename

and try again.  If it works, add the name of the module to /etc/modules
so that it will be loaded on boot.

> I think). run X (startX) or even run my man pages (man -duh!). Okay so I
> do a little looking and the man pages are there (they are .tar.gz though

They should be just .gz, not .tar.gz.

> is that normal?). but I can't seem to find the man utility. And
> Xconfigurator and Xf86config doesn't appear to be working either. Anybody

Xconfigurator is a RedHat thing, Debian doesn't have it.  xf86config 
(with that capitalization) is a shell script which will let you choose 
your card from a list and write an /etc/X11/XF86Config file for you.  
XF86Setup is a GUI app which lets you change more stuff.  But that is
a separate package so might or might not be installed.

I'm assuming you actually installed all the necessary stuff... did you
pick an initial collection of packages (profile) which included X?  Did
you install them, and answer a stream of configuration questions that
you thought would never end?

> have any ideas? Then because I couldn't even go to the website to view the
> HowTo's there (yes lynx appears to not be working either). I try to
> boot into Dos (well really Win98 but you know what I mean). Where it
> says something about there being child processes running 32bit and
> that its a problem so I had to reboot about 3 more times. (I'd get the 

I'm sure this has nothing to do with Linux; you did reboot after all.

  _______                   Shawn T. Rutledge / KB7PWD
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