Secure Linux Distro

Thu, 6 Jul 2000 08:52:38 -0700

It seems like on Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 08:41:00AM -0700, Tim Weaver scribbled:
Orig Msg> As a newbie, why would Debian be better than RH (and derivative) distros re:
Orig Msg> security?
Orig Msg> 

I will give one reason and let other add their own.

My main reason is that the base Debian install is approx 10MB 
and only contains enuff to perform rudimentary functions which 
include dialup and networking.
Since it is the opposite of RedHat which installs everything by default
your philosophy changes from disable what you don't need to
only install what you need.

For someone new to Linux this means you would not be installing
something that you would never use and it creates one less
potential security hole to watch for.

My .02

JLF Sends...