disabling services

Jeffrey Pyne jpyne@worldatwork.org
Wed, 5 Jul 2000 12:35:02 -0700

To stop inetd from listening on a particular port, the file you are after is
/etc/inetd.conf.  Go through and comment out each service you don't use, and
then kill -HUP <PID of inetd>.  Use netstat -a to verify that your box is no
longer listening on that port.  FWIW, every line is commented out of my
/etc/inetd.conf, so I don't even run inetd.

Also, since D. Taylor seems to be MIA, I'll go ahead and give his response:

man inetd
man services



> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Don Harrop [SMTP:don@nis4u.com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, July 05, 2000 12:10 PM
> To:	plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
> Subject:	disabling services
> In order to disable some services (like telnet) after I've got SSH up and
> working I have been commenting out the telnet lines in /etc/services.
> When
> I do it this way though it keeps me from even using the telnet service
> myself (to telnet out).  What's the best way to disable services that run
> in
> the inet super server?
> Don
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