odd question....

sinck@ugive.com sinck@ugive.com
Wed, 5 Jul 2000 11:45:32 -0700 (MST)

\_ Hey, I have a friend whos trying to dual boot between Linux and
\_ Windows. Now this is all simple and easy, untill you consider that Linux
\_ is on IDE and Windows is on SCSI. Now Lilo is on the mbr on the IDE drive,
\_ but what, if anything is the solution to get Windows to be able to boot
\_ from Lilo off the SCSI partition. Can anyone provide assistance and or
\_ docs so my friend wont have to pull his hair out?

Um, color me stupid, but why isn't lilo handling this?  Or is it a
windows issue *after* lilo passes control to /dev/sdba ?

Was windows installed in that configuration?
