Laptops, Corel and Linux, Oh my...

Tim Weaver
Sun, 20 Feb 2000 10:58:13 -0700

Mine came with StarOffice.  I tried SO on my Windows machine to see what it
looked like (I am new to Linux so I didn't want to mess up my success at a
Laptop installation...which was my first installation, btw).  I hated SO's
interface.  Blech!  So, once I get Linux back onto my machine, I'll install


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Lucas Vogel [] 
Sent:	Sunday, February 20, 2000 2:55 AM
Subject:	Re: Laptops, Corel and Linux, Oh my...

I don't know about the installation part of your question, but you
should have no problem at all installing Corel WordPerfect on any
installation, least of all Caldera. If I remember correctly, COL comes
with the WordPerfect Trial on the disk.